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Win up to $15,000 worth of prizes!

Don't miss our biggest giveaway ever.

Ends August 2nd!

Dazey Desert House

Because nothing says 'maximalism' like a Yale Assure Lock 2 in Viva Magenta, we've teamed up with renowned interior designer, Dani Dazey – famous for her signature maximalist aesthetic – for this incredible giveaway. Get ready for the makeover of a lifetime.

Take a sneak peek here!

1 lucky winner will receive up to $15,000 in prizes, including

5-night stay at Dani's Dazey Desert House in Palm Springs, plus a $4,000 prepaid gift card to cover travel expenses.

Complimentary design consultation with Dani Dazey.

$5,000 prepaid gift card to purchase materials for a colorful revamp of your front entryway, inspired by Dani's design consultation.

Yale x Pantone Assure Lock 2 Limited Edition in PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta, and more!

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